tree collage

The Learning Circles Project

building collage
Poster Actvity
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Here is how we made the posters on the first night of the Symposium:

People were asked to join a group.
A researcher was assigned to each group to act as a recorder, help with instructions and questions about the activity and act as a timekeeper if the group decided they need one. The researcher also helped the group adapt or change the process if it was not working for the group.

We asked the question,
“What makes learning circles work?”

The groups *brainstormed (see below) some responses.

The researcher assigned to that group recorded the brainstorm on flip chart paper.

The groups discussed their ideas. They were to choose the three ideas that they thought were the most important … the 3 things that they would tell people interested in starting a learning circle.

Each group was to turn their 3 ‘most important’ ideas into posters.
(1 of the groups did this. The other 3 groups decided to make one big poster with all the ideas incorporated. Sheila Stewart found the roll of paper.)

They were given these ideas:

  • You can write out the idea in plain language.
  • You can write a slogan or poem.
  • You can draw a picture.
  • You can make a collage.
  • You can all work on all three posters or you can divide the work.

The group members were todecide on an ‘explainer’ or ‘explainers’ for each poster and write the name of that person/those people on the poster.

  • The posters were put on display and will be presented and viewed at the reception. If anyone has a question about a poster, they can ask an explainer.
  • The flip chart brainstorms were also be posted.
  • The posters and flip charts were referred to on Saturday as we worked as a special one-day learning circle and as we answered other questions about learning circles – especially in the discussion about inclusion.
  • The posters and flip charts became part of the report and the beginners guide.

*brainstorm – a free flow of ideas

  • the purpose is to get ideas out – everybody should feel free to contribute their ideas as they come to them – the group can discuss whether the idea is a good one or if the idea needs to be changed or modified later
  • people contribute ideas at random
  • everybody has a chance to contribute as many ideas as they want
  • all the ideas are recorded
  • the recorder records the words exactly. if the recorder needs clarification or wants to paraphrase or write a short form, he or she must check in with the person who contributed the idea
  • the ideas are not discussed or responded to
  • some ideas may trigger other ideas